How To Reinstall Windows 10 Keep Files
Are you having problems with your Windows 10 operating system? Is it giving you errors and messages that leave you frustrated and confused? Don't worry; we've got you covered. We have some valuable information for you, which will help you reinstall Windows 10 without deleting your software, files, or settings. We understand that the thought of reinstalling your OS can be daunting, especially if you're not tech-savvy. Some people are scared that they will lose all their data, while others fear that they will lose access to their favorite software. Well, fear not; it's easier than you think. Firstly, let's talk about the benefits of reinstalling Windows 10. What are the benefits of reinstalling Windows 10? 1. Speed up your computer When you reinstall your operating system, you get a fresh start. This means that all the old software, files, and settings that were slowing your computer will be gone. Your computer will be optimized, and you'll notice ...